Kundli Chakra 2012 - Standard
MRP- Rs. 2999/-
For Discount and Booking Call 9210896940
Xp, Vista, Win 7 , 8 Compatible
List of Contents
Kundli Chakra 2012 is a specially designed astrology package which will make you free from scrolling pages, wasting your research time in searching reports, carrying USB dongles or CD locks, looking for specific charts while analysing horoscope and exploring dasha clicking next..next..next.. etc. Many features in this software like tools, utilities, worksheets are developed after research and analysis of professional usage of an Astrologer, to unleash your predictive power and concentrate more on analysing charts for a quick and accurate horoscope interpretation, with just a click. It is available in 2 editions, Standard and Professional. Below are the features available in Standard edition which is easy to use without any special computer knowledge :-
- Horoscope
- Match making
- K.P. System
- Numerology
- Predictions (planet, house, nakshatra,Lagna, tatwa etc) Nature, Habits, Financial, Friendship, Love & Marriage, Health & Food Habits, Education, Family Life
- Manglik Vichar
- Ratna Suggestion (Lucky Gems) & Mantra Suggesions with Remedies
- Sade Sati Detailed & Remedies
- Kaalsarpa yoga
- Varsphal for 120 Years
- Windows Xp, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit), compatible.
- Useful for beginners, Students & Astrologers.
- The exclusive and Special features in Kundli Chakra makes it unique and more useful than other Astrology softwares which are 4 times more expensive. Thus with no special technical computer knowledge, anyone can easily use this software.
- More, the software is updated from time to time to give you the best astrology software experience. You can also directly contact us and request any feature you think should be added in Kundli Chakra. All the future updates in this version and full support are provided for free with no hidden costs.
Whats new? Kundli Chakra 2012 comes up with many new features, utilities, tools and reports:-
- Worksheets: specially designed astrology chart combinations to study and predict easily. Now, you can view various worksheets and can even change its charts to customise it as per your requirements. The program is already loaded with many inbuilt worksheets for study.
- Birth Worksheet: This is more advanced and better Birth worksheet for quickly studying charts at one single place. It also helps you to study graha drishti and planet position on charts and explore into any dasha period with just a click. The Free kundlichart rotation allows you to rotate chart for particular House/Subject study.
- New Match Making: You can now directly open saved birth data of male and female and continue for match making. Also the data saved in match making can be further opened on for Horoscope or Kundli reports. Days of entering data are ended now, once saved can be used for both. More, the Select Partner option now allows you to directly change partner (open data of another male/female).
- Page Designer: It is used for making your own style printing pages. You can now easily drag and drop charts to pages and create your own style page for printing. It also allows you to resize the charts to any size on the page as per your requirement. More, you can even resize the page size to book, pocket, A3 or any bigger or smaller page size, and can create your own printing page accordingly. You can now independently design the reports as per the charts size or page size you like.
- Add Events & Notes: Astrologers can now easily add notes and events related to the birth chart in display and can further save it with birth data.
- Resolution Independent program: this program now offers charts and reports which are resolution free. This means, which ever is your screen size 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 or any high resolution, you can easily view your charts and worksheet on full screen. Thus making it easier to view and operate charts. Also the worksheets are specially designed to fit any size as you like, you can even restore the program and resize it on your window to any size you like, and can easily run some other program on rest of the screen, both together.
- Export selected pages: the export section is updated with selection of pages to export. This means, now you can easily select the particular pages you want to export to PDF, BMP or JPG. Only select the pages you want to send to client and then export it.
- Shortcut keys & faster access to reports: Most used functions now comes up with shortcut keys. Just press the shortcut related to that page or function and it will start. Like for New (Ctrl + N), Open (Ctrl + O), Save (Ctrl + S).
- Resizable Tools: now you can easily resize the charts from the tools section and place it according to your screen. You can also resize individual charts to full screen, which is very useful while group discussions or teaching astrology lessons in institutions.
- Customised Border Style; Select from any border style or background to be used for printing reports.
- New Printing reports and best quality printouts: many new printing reports have been added and also the program now gives you best quality printouts, when you print from any printer - dot matrix, laser or inkjet printers. Also the "Print Option" now allows you to customise the print reports with footer, header and page numbers printing.
- New Interface design, with better looks, graphics and ease of use. The welcome screen is one of the feature of new interface, which offers all what is required to get it started quickly and easily when you start the program.
- World cities lattitude, longitude data of 2.5 lakh places around the world. There is no need to buy any additional atlas for the program. The inbuilt atlas comes free and quickly searches directly from its large database.
Main Features:-Horoscope: Planet position, Birthdetails, Moon & Navamsa Chart, Chalit Chart, Sudarshan chakra, Shodash Varga, Aspects of planets, Aspects of Houses, Tara Chakra, Ashtak Varga, Shadbala, Bhavabala, Transit pages etc...
Vimshottari Dasha (antar, pratyanta, sooksham), Yogini Dasha, Aaditya Dasha, Lagnam Dasha
Varshphal Charts, Planet position & Predictions for 120 years
KP pages : planet positon, houses position, Bhava karaka, Graha Significators, Ruling planets etc
Numerology with predictions (Character, Finance, Vocation, Health, Marriage & Friends, Husband, Wife, Fotunate Days, Lucky Colours/ Jewels/ Stones, Important Years, Drawbacks etc.
Transit: Specially designed transit worksheets with Manual or Automatic Transit comparing Birth Charts and Transit Charts at various intervals ( hours, minutes, seconds, days, weeks, years, lagna, navamsa). Easy to use and with various detailed charts on same worksheet, not found on other softwares.
Manglik Dosha, Yantra - Mantra - Ratna(Lucky stones) suggestions, Sade Sati periods, Sade Sati explained, Sade Sati Remedies, Kaalsarpa Yoga, Tatwa based / General Characteristics(Nature, Financial, Health..etc), Nakshatra Phal, Graha Phal/Bhavfal, Numerology, etc..
VARSHPHAL (Annual Chart) for 120 years with Predictions, various charts & reports.
Utilities -Sunrise/ Sunset, Rahukaal.
Match Making : Planet Position, Dasha, Guna Dosha, Ashtkoot analysis, Manglik Dosha, with detailed Girl/boy predictions (physical features, character, family life, health etc)
- Printing of Worksheet : You can print the worksheet in display for studying on landscape layout of page.
- Time Rectification: Edit date time on any worksheet, or print report quickly with intervals of hours, minute, second, days etc to rectify time and study various planetary movements on any page.
- Interactive Chart Study: The Birth Chart is specially designed to give you information about the planet on chart itself. Also there is no need to click any planet. Just take your mouse to the desired planet on chart, and you will get its information like Drishti, Nakshatra lord, sublord, nakshatra etc. Nakshatra and degrees are also aligned along with planets. This helps you to quickly analyse chart, as shown in image below... It is also useful for beginners to study charts quickly. Also as always in Kundli Chakra, it features special chart rotation feature, i.e. when you click on any rashi... to make it lagna, thus can study various houses and subjects easily.
- Tools: Study charts, Dashas, anywhere, anytime, on any page/worksheet, at any position on the screen for quick references & analyses, saving time and concentrating more on charts.
Tools are a special feature invented and designed in Kundli Chakra software and softwares developed by Horizon aarc which is specially for astrologers and to study charts at any place in the program. Lets say, while studying Ashtakvarga page, you want to see lagna chart or dasha? or while seeing printing reports or predictions, you want to see other charts too.. you can just open it there at same place from tools. Note: All tools are not available in Standard edition. Various advanced tools are only available in Professional edition.
- Conversion Facility - Ghati - Pal - Vipal to Hours - Minutes - Seconds and vice-versa.
- Backup - easily save the Birth Data for re-insallation & restore it back easily when you install the program again.
- Printing - Specially designed Colour / Black & White printouts, you can also print with shades or with plain pages.
- Printing Double Side Page: You can easily print on both sides of pages with print options like even pages, odd pages, reverse printing. Also it allows you to print particular pages in range like 4-10, 15-20...
- Model Printing: It allows you to select particular pages as required and create group of pages known as models. Thus you can make your own printing models for printing reports. More, there is no need to follow the sequence that comes up in astrology softwares as the sequence of pages to print can also be changed using model printing facility, i.e. you can decide whether to print planet position or birth details first then which page to come next...etc.
- Header and Footer settings: add your company name and contact on footer of pages. This program also allows printing of reports without header and footer. You can even remove page numbers in printing.
- Page Designer: Make your own page with Page designer. This ends to your dependency on other astrology softwares for printing reports as you can easily make your own printing page style. There is no requirement of any special or technical computer knowledge to design page. Page designer allows anyone to easily make your own page. Just Insert-Drag & drop any chart in page designer and further resize charts to the size you require for printing on the page. As you can see below, we have combined various charts lagna chart, bhav spasht, shadbala graph, prastar char, ashtakvarga.. Similarly, you can make your own combination of charts and make your own page for professional usage.
Note: Charts are limited in Page Designer for Standard edition. All charts and advanced options are only available in Professional edition.
- Multiple page size for reports: A3 and other page size can easily be made using Page designer. This feature allows you to define your own page size and design the page according to your requirement.
- Export - Save and export reports to PDF, JPEG or BMP formats and email them to relatives / clients.
- Import other charts and easly switch to Kundli Chakra : Users of old versions or other softwares developed by Horizon aarc, no need to worry about your already existing data or saved kundli. Import feature is specially designed to allow you import existing saved birth data so you no need to type all that again. We also provide support for importing many formats birth data saved using different softwares and convert it to use in Kundli Chakra easily. For more details or support, contact us.
- Direct Storage of Birthdata in Groups and folders on computer. Freely store the birth data at any media or drive. This means that you can even store the clients birth data to usb device (Pen Drive) or anywhere on hard disk and can further easily open/access it directly in the program. This also allows you to store your private or personal data at some different location/media for future use.
- Inbuilt database of many celebrities, actors, politicians for study.
- 2.5 Lakh World cities Lattitude and Longitude Atlas. So no need to purchase any extra atlas It also allows you to manually add new or delete/edit places, states...
- Chartstyle: North / South / Bangla (East Indian)
- War Time Correction database of the world
- RAHU /KETU settings
- Ayanamsa - N.C. Lahiri, B.V. Raman, K.P. 1 , K.P. 2, Manu, Sayan, Sri Sanatan, SPS ayanamsa
- Language : English and Hindi
A Brief difference between Kundli Chakra 2012 Standard and Professional version is as given below:

Main Features:-Horoscope: Planet position, Birthdetails, Moon & Navamsa Chart, Chalit Chart, Sudarshan chakra, Shodash Varga, Aspects of planets, Aspects of Houses, Tara Chakra, Ashtak Varga, Shadbala, Bhavabala, Transit pages etc...
Vimshottari Dasha (antar, pratyanta, sooksham), Yogini Dasha, Aaditya Dasha, Lagnam Dasha
KP pages : planet positon, houses position, Bhava karaka, Graha Significators, Ruling planets etc
Numerology with predictions (Character, Finance, Vocation, Health, Marriage & Friends, Husband, Wife, Fotunate Days, Lucky Colours/ Jewels/ Stones, Important Years, Drawbacks etc.
Transit: Specially designed transit worksheets with Manual or Automatic Transit comparing Birth Charts and Transit Charts at various intervals ( hours, minutes, seconds, days, weeks, years, lagna, navamsa). Easy to use and with various detailed charts on same worksheet, not found on other softwares.
Manglik Dosha, Yantra - Mantra - Ratna(Lucky stones) suggestions, Sade Sati periods, Sade Sati explained, Sade Sati Remedies, Kaalsarpa Yoga, Tatwa based / General Characteristics(Nature, Financial, Health..etc), Nakshatra Phal, Graha Phal/Bhavfal, Numerology, etc..

- Tools: Study charts, Dashas, anywhere, anytime, on any page/worksheet, at any position on the screen for quick references & analyses, saving time and concentrating more on charts.
Tools are a special feature invented and designed in Kundli Chakra software and softwares developed by Horizon aarc which is specially for astrologers and to study charts at any place in the program. Lets say, while studying Ashtakvarga page, you want to see lagna chart or dasha? or while seeing printing reports or predictions, you want to see other charts too.. you can just open it there at same place from tools. Note: All tools are not available in Standard edition. Various advanced tools are only available in Professional edition.

Note: Charts are limited in Page Designer for Standard edition. All charts and advanced options are only available in Professional edition.

- War Time Correction database of the world
Kundli Chakra 2012 - Standard Edition
Kundli Chakra 2012 - Professional Edition
Match making
K.P. System
P (no details )
P, with details
S.P.S. System
Jaimini System
Jaimini Detailed
Horary (Prashna)
Lal Kitab charts
Lal Kitab Varshphal Charts
Muhurta Analysis
Transit Study with various worksheets
Gems (stone)/ Mantra suggestions & remedies
Sade Sati
Manglik Dosha & Kaalsarpa
Yantra of all grahas with printing
Transit Graph for financial astrologers
Transit Wheel (detailed wheel with nakshatra & aspects)
Time Correction
Event Study
Detailed Predictions (planet, house, nakshatra,tatwa etc)
Varsphal for 120 Years