Marriage Matching 3.5 Premium
Hindi-EnglishMRP- Rs. 7500/-
MRP- $105/- For Overseas Customers
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Xp, Vista, Win 7 , 8 & 10 Compatible
List of Contents
Charts and Tables
- Lagna Charts And Planetary Positions (2 Types)
- Lagna Charts And Planetary Positions (2 Types)
- Lagna Charts And Planetary Positions (2 Types)
- Benefice and Malefic thins for prospective couple based on Lagna
- Astrological Particulars
- Various Nakshtra classifications (Like Navatara, Various Avasthas, Sannadi and Stunas, Trinadi Chakra, Arkchatushtaya and Nava-Subha Arka)
- Relative Vimshottari Dashas of prospective couple
- Relative Shodahsha-varga Charts with position of lords of prospective couple
- Various matching techniques
- Basic Ashtakoota Agreement (32 Kootas based)
- Advance Ashtakoota Agreement (32 Kootas based) with various doshas and its parihar avalaible in the charts) , Applicablity of Dwidwardash, Navam-Pancham, Shadashtak Dosha and its parihaar
- Calculation of Various important sphootas like Beeja and Kshetra.
- Advance Ashtakoota Agreement (32 Kootas based) on the basis of various lords like - Lagna, Second, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Tenth and Moon Sign Lord.
- Dwadash koota agreement ( 50 Koota ) basis - Matching of (Dina, Gana, Yoni, Rashi, Graha Maitri, Rajju, Vedha, Vashya, Mahendra, Stree-Deergha, Nadi and Varna koota)
- Kaalidas-Koota Agreement (20 Koota) - Matching of ( Nadi, Rashi, Graha-Maitri, Yoni, Stree-Dirgha, Gana, Mahendra, AAyu, AAya, Vashya, Deen, Varna,Vedha, Vihag, Rajju, Yogini, Linga, Bhoot (Tatwa), Gotra, Chandra Yoga)
- Kaal-Prakashika Koota-Agreement
- New System of Matching different relation ship
- Vara-Vadhu, Guru-Sishya, Business Relationship, Same Sex Match and Employee-Employer Matching on the basis of highly technical astrological ground as - Manglik Dosha Agreement, Rashi, Rashi Lord and Vashya Agreement, Nakshtra Agreements, Graha Dosha Match, Planetary Cycle match and Mutual Planetary Position Match.
- Various Predictions
- 1-Lagna/Moon and Navamsha Sign Matching (In this part, we are checking more than 50 planetary conjunctions which need to be matched in horoscopes of groom and bride. Married life will be as favourable as many numbers of conjunctions are present in horoscopes of groom and bride. )
- 2- Detailed analysis of Ashtakoota agreement
- 3- Detailed analysis of Dwadashkoota agreement
- 4- Detailed analysis of both the charts on the basis of various points - (For Boy - Health, Luck, Age, Education, child birth prospect, Special qualities, Special qualities in prospective wife, prospect of love marriage, Hurdles in married life, number of marriages, any special doshas, Danger zone, Denial of marriage, Extra - marital relations, prospect of happiness in marriage, Problematic periods of vimshottari dasha, birth in harmful nakshtra. For Girl - Health, Luck, Age, Education, child birth prospect, Special qualties, Special qualities in prospective husband, prospect of remarriage, Health problem in early age, Hurdles in married life, number of marriages, any special doshas, Danger zone, Denial of marriage, Extra - marital relations, prospect of happiness in marriage, Problematic periods of vimshottari dasha, birth in harmful nakshtra, Dowry related problems.) Tools and technique
- Probable Age Period, Year, Month and Day of Marriage for both the boy and girl.

- Tools for making your own Ashtakoota agreement setting. Although we are providing all the marriage matching technique used in various region of our country and based on different panchangas like - Martand Panchang, Janma Bhoomi Panchang, Kashi Vishwanath Panchang and Daate Panchang. Even we have given the facility to incorporate any panchang options in this software.

- Tools for Prospect of Marriage During Selected Year
- ( In this tool we are checking the prospect of marriage in the given year on the basis of – Analysis using Vimshottari-Dasha, Analysis using Shodshottari-Dasha, Analysis using Ashtottari-Dasha (Aridradi Method), Analysis using Ashtottari-Dasha (Kartikadi Method), Analysis using Shashti Hayani-Dasha, Analysis using Jaimini Chara Dasha (RBNS), Analysis using Astro-Numerology, Analysis using Western Astrology (Synodic Lunation, Progression etc.), Analysis using Dwisaptati Sama – Dasha,)

- Tools on Marriage Related Prashnas (Questons)
- In this horary (Prashna) page number of question and their answers are depend on related boy's chart or girl's chart. This software automatically takes the information from next selected chart. (With the help of this tool one can find instant answers of various questions related to any prospective relationship. The questions are –
- 1- Whether the native will fall in love with someone (before marriage)? If so, whether it will be long-lasting?
- 2- Whether the native will get married within a year?
- 3- What will be the native's prospect of having children?
- 4- Whether the native will have a child within a year?
- 5- Whether the native's first-born child will be a boy or a girl?
- 6- Whether the native's second-born child will be a boy or a girl?
- 7- Whether the native's financial prospects will improve after marriage?
- 8- Whether the native's health condition will improve after marriage?
- 9- Whether the native will have harmonious relationship with his/her marriage-partner?
- 10- Whether the native will have harmonious relationship with his/her father-in-law?
- 11- Whether the native will have harmonious relationship with his/her mother-in-law?
- 12- Whether the native will have harmonious relationship with the elder co-born of his/her marriage-partner
- 13- Whether the native will have harmonious relationship with the younger co-born of his/her marriage-partner?
- 14- Whether the native's object in view will be realized?
- 5- Whether the native's children will be worthy and accomplished?
- 16- Whether the native's children will remain close to their father?
- 17- Whether the native's children will remain close to their mother?

- Tools for calculating Strength of various signifiacators related to matching (Strength of Seventh House (from Lagna), Strength of Seventh House (from Moon), Strength of Eighth House (from Lagna), Strength of Eighth House (from Moon), Strength of Second House (from Lagna), Strength of Second House (from Moon), Strength of Seventh Lord (from Lagna), Strength of Seventh Lord (from Moon), Strength of Second Lord (from Lagna), Strength of Second Lord (from Moon), Strength of Venus, Strength of Jupiter, Strength Overall Conclusion)

- Tools for Matrimonial search
- (With the help of this tool one can match one chart with various chart on the basis of different parameters and matching points.)